Project Coordinator Position in Urban Forestry
We're excited to be able to share that the Urban Forest Initiative is seeking applicants for the Project Coordinator position, and we’re hoping that you’ll help disseminate the call for applicants. This is a full time, professional, grant-funded position coordinating various projects and initiatives that UFI is engaged in, with a duration of 2 years. The full position description and link for applying is here: https://ukjobs.uky.edu/postings/572184. The application window will close on March 12 and the review of applicants will begin immediately thereafter.
Extension Programs Available in Edmonson County
Edmonson County Extension Office
Contact Information
Open Monday through Friday, 8:00am - 4:00pm
116 Mohawk St.
Brownsville, KY 42210-9003
Phone: (270) 597-3628
Fax: (270) 597-2948
Email: Edmonson.ext@uky.edu
Happenings at Edmonson County Extension Office
Extension Quick Links
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